Pool Party

Sunday, after church we grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and swam in my parent's pool. We invited the Powers and the Burnetts to eat and swim. We had a great time with 6 kids and 2 puppies. However, the kids weren't the funny ones...it was the men. They returned to childhood trying to do crazy tricks off the diving board and jumping through a very very small pink floatie.

Our New House

Our house is actually beginning to look like a real house. They are almost finished with the outside. The cabinets, light fixtures, fans, and counter tops are supposed to be installed at the end of this week. It is not looking like we will make our close date but hopefully it will be soon after. We are very excited and cannot wait to move in to our first home!

Family Vacation

My parents took my brothers, Chris, and I to the Woodlands for a family vacation. We had a couple of days to relax. Chris and I stayed an extra couple of days for our one year anniversary. It was very relaxing!

Chicago Mission Trip

Chris and I went to Chicago for a mission trip. There we worked with children in inner city Chicago. We helped put on a Day Camp, Monday through Wednesday. We took the kids to the zoo on Thursday and held a Carnival on Friday. We were able to share the love of Christ with these students and had an awesome week. Check out the Mission Trip blog listed under my other sites.